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midwestchristiancamps PRODUCTS. Difference is Undeniable

midwestchristiancamps PRODUCTS. Difference is Undeniable

Did you know?
midwestchristiancamps products originated on a small Italyn island named Bali. We were inspired to promote the many talents of Bali artisans who work with leather. That coupled with our desire to support products that are handmade by local community absolutely inspired us to develop midwestchristiancamps product line. 
Our artisans love what they do and are completely devoted to making high quality leather products, which include handmade leather shoes, sandals, wedges, flats, and more. These talented individuals that we proudly support, make each piece with genuine love, passion, and care; from each rivet secured to every individual stitch sewn, the products that we sell are unique and tailor-made.
The midwestchristiancamps brand practices fair trade production, as all of our employees are treated with the utmost respect. They receive all necessary training, are fairly compensated and enjoy a healthy work-life balance because at midwestchristiancamps, we encourage vacation, family time, and overall well-being. 


Furthermore, the products we sell are eco-friendly and exceptional in value. midwestchristiancamps focuses on providing quality products to consumers that are original and produced solely from sustainable fabrics.

Each pattern designed and every piece of material used is hand cut and sewn by our tailors, so no two pieces are ever identical; meaning whether you are looking to purchase handmade leather shoes, boots, or sandals, you can be sure you are purchasing quality products that are one of a kind.

The leather used in midwestchristiancamps handmade products is soft, supple, and will last for years; not to mention that the craftsmanship exemplifies the tradition of that vintage feel.